The new standards AS 60598.2.4: 2019 with AS/NZS 60598.1: 2017 + A1 are effective January 2020. This will require that non Certified Suppliers must cease selling this product. This will make the product safer and the market place fairer. Our Certificate can be viewed here: Certificate of Approval SGS200760 The C-Tick Logo is becoming Mandatory for ALL Salt Lamp Providers: Review Here Check for this logo NEW Safety Compliance Registration: The NEW Standard must comply with Electrical Safety Standard AS/NZS 60598.2.4:2019 with AS/NZS 60598.1: 2017 + A1. ALL importers of Salt Luminaires must have the full certification in order to sell this appliance.The seller does not have to provide copies of the Certification, but they are obliged to confirm if they hold the certification when asked by a consumer or wholesale buyer. Failure to comply with the standard renders the “Importer” liable to prosecution not the wholesale buyer or end user. The requirement for Safety Compliance of Salt Lamp Electrical Appliances (Salt Luminaire) in the Australian Market is Mandatory. The Requirements C-Tick Salt Luminaires MUST be supplied with C-Tick Certification to Australian Standards as shown above. This means they have been approved for use in Australia for fire and electrical safety. Our NSW Certificate of Approval can be downloaded here: Certificate of Approval NSW27337 Our Salt Lamp Electrical Appliances are compliant with Energy Safe Victoria, ACCC, ACMA and ERAC who are the governing bodies of electrical compliance and safety in Australia. Our ERAC Responsible Supplier Number is: E2684. Enter our responsible supplier number into the search window “Supplier Number” on the following page link: ERAC Supplier Number However, being listed as a Responsible Supplier does not guarantee every product a company supplies are Correctly Certified as Safe in the Australian market. Full Certification of a single product looks like this: Certificate of Approval NSW27337 To verify if a supplier is registered with ERAC, please visit this Australian Government website: ERAC Bulletin June 2015/Salt Lamps Review. Download here: Information Notice – 09 Salt Lamp There are also quality marks that are mandatory for Electrically Safe Salt Lamp Luminaires that must be stamped into the appliance and are as follows. If the appliance is correctly certified it will have ALL of these Quality Marks: (Please Note: White cable parts shown for easier viewing. Black cable only supplied.) Globe/Bulb Holder Must show the SAA Mark with Temperature Rating, Manufacturer and Globe Size. Wire Wire code must show: NSW18298 and/or Modern C-Tick Logo Shown Above Switch Switch must show: V98006 – (*CE marks are not compliant in Australia) Plug Plugmust show: AS/NZS3112 and/or Modern C-Tick Logo shown above – An “Earth” connector IS NOT required for a simple Luminaire. WARNING: If you come across a Salt Lamp at a market stall, purchase online or a retail/wholesale outlet and the cable is not supplied with C-Tick certification (shown above) and ALL the Compliance Codes above it is possible that the Salt Lamp is not Australian Compliant and you should request a return for full refund or Evidence from the importer that they are fully complaint to the NEW standard. A written statement from the importer stating clearly they are fully compliant is acceptable. *The CE Mark is a European Standard and is not sufficient in the Australian market place. PRESS RELEASE 16th January 2017 United States Consumer Product Safety Commission 16-01-2017
Australian and New Zealand Compliance. (Last updated 16th October 2020)
This logo must be shown on the Luminaire. If this logo is not shown on any Salt Lamp light fitting IT IS NOT compliant to Australian Standards. To read more or download the C-Tick Logo >>>Please Click Here
Quality Marks – All 4 Labeling Codes Required